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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Week 25 Movement

I feel the baby move throughout the day but it’s cool to watch your belly and see it move. He likes to chill on the right side or sometimes down below. On Tues I watched it in the morning and you can feel the stirring match with the skin getting raised. On Wed it was happening again so I showed David. He sang to the baby and it kept on moving. I tried to capture it on video the next day but I guess it got camera shy.
Belly 25cm. Blood pressure 90/60. Low but not alarming. Midwife says to try to snack throughout the day on protein and veggies. This eating thing is getting frustrating because baby is taking up all the space so I can only eat about half of what I normally eat. Also snacking is never as awesome as a meal so I’m not used to it. So much for eating for two. Lies!

Week 23 Itchy

The right side of the tummy has been insanely itchy. It’s more than just dry skin since the entire region has raised red bumps. After looking it up it turns out its PUPPPs (that’s a lot of p’s). Statistically 1 percent of pregnant people get this. For once I get to be among the 1 percent. The Thyme stretch mark cream doesn’t seem to help. I’ve been putting Bio Oil on it instead which seems to be OK.
On the worst night I prayed that God will heal it. It disappeared the next morning. :)
Getting up to pee exactly 4 times a night and also very thirsty.

Week 22 Stinky

Pregnancy farts are a little between rotten eggs and diarrhea. You do not want to be anywhere close to them. It came upon us so suddenly there was no escape. How does it get that foul?

Week 21 Ultrasound

After almost peeing my pants the last time I had an ultrasound, which was like 5 years ago due to some pain on my side, I learnt that it's better to time the water intake to account for the appointment being late. 
I drank 2 cups of water 30 mins before the appointment and it worked perfectly.
I went into the room first. The technician wanted to do all the measurements before the dad was allowed in. I tried to watch what she was doing but the angle was too awkward. She told me the baby was moving a lot, so much so she was having trouble getting the right images for the measurements. However, she reassured me that everything looks really good. After she was done, David was called in. 
Unfortunately we were not allowed pics in the room because it's considered a medical examination. It's too bad because it's the coolest moment of parenthood so far and must be even more so for David.
The first thing we saw was a cross section of the baby and it was opening and closing its mouth. The technician said it was drinking amniotic fluid. I didn't even know they did that! Next was the beating heart with the valves opening and closing. We saw the full spine and the inside of the corpus callosum of the brain. It was surreal seeing the baby move and kick and feeling it at the same time. She asked us if we wanted to know the gender and we did indeed. I asked her to show me instead of telling me and there was no mistaking that it was a boy! 
We already had a girl's name (Evelyn) because we had the hardest time agreeing on a boy's name. This is going to be hard but I'm just happy to hear everything's ok.