Climbing up has enabled you to discover a whole new world! You love to checkout the TV stand and eat any wires you find. You also love to suck on the end of the USB cable. Dad was curious about your fascination so he tried it too and felt a little bit of an electric shock on the cable end. That put an end to that!
I bought you an activity table and it is your favourite toy by far because opening and closing the "laptop" to trigger the electronic jingle is about the best thing ever! Do do do dooo. Dooo do do do. Do do do dooo. Dooo do do do.
We had our first visit to McGill library and you were very excited to crawl around the spacious kids area.
Favourite food right now is peas. You like to grab the pea and tip it up into your mouth with your thumb like a little pez dispenser. It's so fascinating to watch! Oh and of course chicken too. You will literally pick out all the chicken first before the rest of your meal.