Now it's time for some research! It's well known you should not tell people you're pregnant until you're past your first trimester incase you have a miscarriage (apparently the fate of 1 in 8). However I had no idea how long a trimester would be.
First Trimester: Starts with the first day of your last period and ends with the last day of the 13th week thereafter.
Second Trimester: Week 14 to last day of 27th week
Third Trimester: Week 27 to week 40
So basically you only have a baby for 38 weeks since 2 of them are your menstrual and ovulation periods.
Had a checkup at the walk-in and was given a slip for blood tests and an ultrasound. Asked me when was the first day of my last period (May 17th) and was given a due date of (Feb 24th).
Q: Does my diet change?
A: Eat normally (not a great answer but I'm a super healthy eater so I already know to stay away from high mercury fish etc). Take a prenatal vitamin (which I was already doing and you should be doing this a month before you try to get pregnant). Don't smoke and don't drink.
Q: Can you still have sex?
A: Yes unless you have a history of miscarriages because when you have an orgasm your uterus pulsates.
Q: Can I still play soccer?
A: Mild exercise is ok. You should probably not play especially if there's a chance of getting hit in the uterus area.
Blood Test
The nurse prepared 6 vials for the blood tests and it looked like a lot but apparently each one is only filled half full which is about 5ml of blood, so they're only taking 2 tablespoons worth. Could have fooled me!
No point having an ultrasound until you're beyond 8 weeks. The instructions for ultrasounds are to not pee for 3 hours prior to your appointment and to drink 4 glasses of water 2 hours prior to your appointment. Last time I followed these instructions, I decided no human being can hold it in for that long. It takes me about 40mins to process the water and would then really need to pee.
I asked about this when I made the appointment and she said the point is to come with a really full bladder so however long it takes you for that, that's what you should follow.
They recently painted the walls and the paint fumes were really strong. I found a computer downstairs and decided to move down temporarily and just remote into my computer upstairs until the smell dissipates.